In memory of Mickey Rosas
Mickey Rosas
She andI were best friends. We lived in Texas for awhile then decided to move to Santa Fe -- thats where the trouble started. My younger sister and the people she ran around with introduced her to pot and cocaine. I was not the smartest when it came to what drug she was on. My sister would pick her up with out me knowing it!
I was at work whenI got a call that Mickey was hit by a drunk driver as she was trying to cross an intersection. Come to find out my younger sister left her in a drunken condition there after letting a friend give her ever clear a pure grain alcohol. She almost died -- she was thrown 50 feet in the air. I thought, "Thank god she didnt die." I didnt find out who gave her the everclear until three years after she died of a heroin overdose at her boyfriend's house.
Before this happend, Mickey was ordered by the courts to serve time as an habitual drug offender. She was caught four times with possesion. After a long stretch in a rehab ordered by the courts, she was out and so happy about getting a second chance. She got a job working for an import buisness. Two months after doing so well I got a call from her boss telling me that Mickey had a bad accident and he told me she was dead. She was found at her ex boyfriend's house -- a known heroin dealer. He had called an ambulance four hours after she was dead and never told the truth and never tried to save her. I went to the hospital --it was the worst nightmere of my life to see my beautiful Mickey laying there on a cold table her eyes were open and she had a tube down her throat.
I loved her so much. Nobody should lose their child! Now every Sunday I go to my daughters grave and bring flowers to my beautiful Mickey Eloise Rosas.
Partners for Hope raise critical funds on behalf Partnership to End Addiction – the nation’s leading organization dedicated to addiction prevention, treatment and recovery. Every dollar raised on behalf of the Partnership* will help ensure free, personalized family support resources, including our national helpline, peer-to-peer parent coaching, customized online tools and community education programs, can reach those who need them most. Please consider donating to this fundraiser and sharing this page.
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