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In memory of Tina Brown

Created by Family Of Tina Brown

Tina Brown

My name is Amanda and my mom died of an OxyContin overdose on August, 2003. She had been addicted to prescription drugs for seven to eight years and about a year before she died she also started using meth and coke. My mom was like no other -- she gave me and my brother everything and we couldn't ask for anyone better. When she died, I was only 13 and I was totally clueless on how to handle it. I didn't know if I was mad, sad, hurt or all three. The day I saw my brother walk into the hospital in shackles (at the time he was in prison) and fall over onto our mother pleading with her to not die, was the day I knew I would never do what she did – use drugs. The poison of the drugs had shut down her whole body. Because of my moms death I struggle with the pain each day. Over the past three years it's been so hard to handle the loss of the most perfect person in my life. I'm nothing without her and I shouldn't blame her for a disease a stupid pill gave her. OxyContin has completely ruined my life in every way. I will never be able to kiss, laugh, hug or tell my mom I love her again and I'll never be able to go back and share my first day of high school or my Sweet 16 with her. On my wedding day she'll be nowhere in sight to help me with my dress or share the day I bring her grandchildren into this world. However, what hurts the most is knowing my mom won't be there next year when I'm finally able to give my mom what she's always wanted -- her baby girl to graduate. OxyContin has taken this from me and her. It's just not worth it.

Partners for Hope raise critical funds on behalf Partnership to End Addiction – the nation’s leading organization dedicated to addiction prevention, treatment and recovery. Every dollar raised on behalf of the Partnership* will help ensure free, personalized family support resources, including our national helpline, peer-to-peer parent coaching, customized online tools and community education programs, can reach those who need them most. Please consider donating to this fundraiser and sharing this page.

*Donations made to Partnership to End Addiction are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. All contributions are fully tax-deductible, as no goods or services are provided in consideration in whole, or in part, of any contribution to this nonprofit organization.  EIN: 52-1736502

Guest Book


1. Shanna Arias
Amanda don't waste your life thinking that you are nothing without your mother. You are somebody and you will become the woman that will make your mother proud. It is okay to feel angry, sad & confused. It is a part of grief. Your mother would want nothing but the best for you & your brother. Don't think for one minute she won't see you graduate, see you get married or have your first child. She will. She will be there in spirit and she wouldn't want you to feel like you are nothing with
2. Lee Brizendine
Your momma would be VERY proud of you. And just know sweetie, that your momma sees you everyday. I lost a loved one to Oxycontin and I know what you are dealing with. My wife died of Oxycontin. She left behind a 2 year old son. I know she didnt want to, but she was sick with addiction. Be strong. Hold your head up high and thank God you had the time to spend with your momma, good bad or other wise
3. Sarah Cabral
I am so sorry for the loss of your mother. I have great respect for you and how you are dealing with what happened. I almost lost my mtoher when she overdosed herself because she was tired of problems that day. My world crashed. But, she came back for me; but with many challenges. I never showed her saddness. I held strong and supported her as much as I could. I am still not over everything that happened, but I wish you all the best. Your mother would be very proud of you graduating. Good luck.
4. Cyndi Jane
Amanda, I am so sorry for your loss. Please know that your mother would be proud of you. You are a tribute to her. I am so glad you shared this with us. Each one reach one. Bless you.
5. Lois Vanderzanden
Amanda, what a beautiful tribute to your mother. I lost a son to meth, he was murdered by his wife who was addicted. She took a gun one morning and shot him before their 2 small children. I know what its like to feel the pain you have. It does get better with time, but it always leaves a whole in your heart. Take care and I will pray for you daily. Lois
6. Crystal Higgs
Amanda, I am so sorry you had to face this. Keep your head up and stay strong. Give all your heartaches to God, he will never leave you. Good job on graduating!!!!
7. Kathy P
Amanda, What a beautiful tribute to your Mom. Thoughts and prayers are with you. And on those special days in the future, your Mom will always be watching over you. {{{HUGS}}}